Simulators and Task Trainers - DASH 3D

Simulators and task trainers

DASH develops custom ultra-realistic simulation platforms, manikins, skills trainers, and moulage. DASH simulators and task trainers are anatomically correct and feature surface and subsurface properties that approximate the physical behavior of their biological counterparts.

DASH leverages access to DICOM imaging databases and expertise in DICOM reconstruction and anatomical modeling to achieve anatomical correctness or accuracy.

DASH works with subject matter experts to ensure surfaces match the coloration and texture observed clinically.

Finally, DASH leverages its IP portfolio in composites to create simulators and task trainers that deliver the expected tactile response when dissecting, suturing, reflecting, among other hands-on skills.

Contact us if you have a need for a specialized simulator, task trainer, moulage or other clinical training aid.

Some examples of simulators and task trainers developed for partners and customers include;

